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Optimizing Web UI Performance

In "Optimizing Web UI Performance," I delve into the intricacies of lazy rendering, a vital web development technique that improves the performance and efficiency of web applications. I explain how lazy rendering delays the loading and rendering of web elements until they are actually needed, which is especially useful for applications handling large amounts of content. Traditional web pages load all elements simultaneously, leading to slower load times and increased data usage. In contrast, lazy rendering loads only the necessary elements on-demand, based on user-triggered actions like scrolling.

I discuss how at DraftKings, we implement lazy rendering in various ways, such as triggering data download when a user scrolls to a certain point and rendering data as soon as it's ready. This method improves perceived performance and reduces resource utilization. I present a solution using the IntersectionObserver API and TypeScript, which provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or the viewport.

Furthermore, I address design implications, batching content, and best practices in implementation, emphasizing that lazy rendering involves careful management of state, timing, and compatibility with libraries and frameworks. My article aims to provide developers with the knowledge and tools to optimize web UI performance through effective lazy rendering strategies.